Monday, December 29, 2008

TP cozy

You've talked about them, hinted about sending in pictures of them, and now I've got one! A genuine toilet paper cozy! It's classic grandma with the doll, tons of pink everywhere and the need to cover all surfaces of the house with yarn. This one is even sitting on a crocheted doily! So next time you're visiting grandma's house and you need a new roll of toilet paper, just look for it under something that's been crocheted.


Goob said...

I love the sexy halter. lol

TisforTonya said...

How grateful am I that my grandma doesn't crochet?

and as long as I'm being grateful, I can also mention that it's a good thing it's not a plunger cozy... because, well... ick!

CassiB said...

She's wearing a halter and a beanie! She is ready for anything!

J. Baxter said...

My grandma totally made those - it reminds me of her bathroom, and how I'd always snoop around and use her "Rosemilk" lotion.

LBBlum said...

Rose milk lotion! that is too funny! I wish I had one of those ... that is a dying art form... or dead art form... too funny

nevadanista said...

This made me very happy! My grandmother made Humpty Dumpty TP Cozies :)