Monday, December 15, 2008

There's No Place Like Under the Sea


So... um.... yeah.  Thanks Reader Jill for submitting a site with some wonderful gems like this!  There are definitely more, but you'll just have to wait for them!  I definitely debated over titles for this post, one being "Be careful or she'll drop a fish on you too!"  Um, Sarah?  Wasn't that supposed to be HOUSE not fish?  Yes, yes it was...  Or there was "Walking around on those?  What do you call them?  Oh FEET!"  I do like what I went with though.


Goob said...

that just makes me want to say cuss words

J. Baxter said...

Um, what is one to DO with this - whatever it is? I am seriously baffled. And what exactly does it represent? Did the fish eat the poor girl? Was the fish impaled on her when it (for some unknown reason) fell from the sky? And whom are we to feel sorry for here - the fish, or the legs?

I am so confused.

Blog is my Co-Pilot said...

maybe we have to be on shrooms or something to understand this.

Nancy said...




I can't even....?.....

I'm just.


CassiB said...

I don't think it should be smiling since Glenda's wand is impaled into its head.

TisforTonya said...

I love fish...

I love the Wizard of Oz...

I also love Mushrooms and Peanut Butter - but not TOGETHER!