And again this is another accessory that I can't imagine why someone would want to wear. Is there a lovely bacon and pancake sweater to match? Did your grandmother always fix you fried eggs and maybe this is the perfect reminder of her? I don't get it and won't be wearing any eggs around my neck anytime soon.
It's supposed to match this bag.
Um, YEAH!! Can you say MARDI GRAS?? Throw me something Mister!!! I'll take it!! And wear it along side the g-string on my head and my tobasco sauce beads!
maybe with a pair of sausage earrings and a toast bracelet... of course I say that in jest, but somebody out there is probably frantically trying to figure out how to link together pieces of toast as we speak!
oh kimi jean's bag is great - just what every short order cook needs!
Bling up the eggs! Maybe it's all good for someone whose big with the chicken crowd?
I'm with T. The accessorizing possiblilities here are endless! Just think of what the matching charm bracelet could look like!
But definitely not for a dieter. That would just be way too much temptation jingling around with every step...
This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. This is the kind of jewelry produced when brains are on drugs.
I agree with T, I am now looking for a pair of bacon strips.
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