Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Crochet World Continues to Amaze


It's still cold outside, and the snow is still falling outside my window.  I continue my search for something... anything that will keep my neck warm.  I have purchased hats, scarves, turtlenecks, but NOTHING is doing the trick!!  Luckily I came across this and will be purchasing it from etsy in the very near future.  Not only is it super warm... I kinda feel like it's looking at me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fanny pack

A new take on the fanny pack ... the crocheted Batman utility belt. Or that's what it looks like to me. I wonder how something as horrible as the fanny pack can still live through the ages in the all the forms that it has to end up as this monstrosity. And check out what's underneath the fanny pack! Should it be something for the bedroom only? Hmm ...